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network service system中文是什么意思

用"network service system"造句"network service system"怎么读"network service system" in a sentence


  • 网络服务系统


  • Designe of information network service system of electronic university library
  • Discussion on construction of an agricultural scientific information network service system in fujian
  • Primary assume and practice of network service system construction about power research institute information technology
  • Investigation of development of networked service system for manufacturing informatization technology and its socialization
  • Air - sys ' professional and networked service system is distinguished by its high professional standards and the adoption of new technologies
  • The system connects the plaza management and plaza network service system via communication network , which facilitates communications in all intelligent systems sufficiently interacting and individually running efficient and harmonious . it enhances the responding and processing capability against the contingency and upgrades the class of overall intelligent management in plaza . it brings safer , more comfortable , more reliable and more convenient environment for the occupants
用"network service system"造句  
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